Author: bcjj

Funeral Poppy?Funeral Poppy?

Shirley Poppies are most commonly mixtures of pink and red.  This year the most unusual color that appeared was a single plant with purple-gray flowers and wrinkled petals. Somber, but striking nonetheless.    The red string is a marker so seed can be collected in a few weeks.

Silver FernSilver Fern

Iconic symbol of the New Zealand All Blacks rugby team and other national sports teams and athletes. I photographed this frond fragment on a trail in Otari-Wilton’s Bush, Wellington, NZ in March 2022.  Alsophina dealbata, can grow to 30 feet and the full fern frond can be 10 feet long. It is the underside that is white/silver.

Popcorn CassiaPopcorn Cassia

Senna didymobotyra, or popcorn Cassia is a fun addition to any garden because the crushed flowers and buds have a strong scent of buttered popcorn.  It is a robust plant that enjoys sun and heat. Note the large bumble bee closing in for a pollen snack. It is also a favorite of caterpillars of the large yellow sulphur butterflies so watch for eaten leaves in late summer. B. Bennett garden