Located across the road from the rose garden (see other post) it is said to be the finest Japanese garden outside of Japan and it is well worth the entry fee. The attention to detail is extraordinary. Bring a book or a friend or both and stay a while.
If you will be in Portland Oregon this summer be sure to check out the rose garden. Admission is free. On 4.5 acres in Washington Park this garden displays over 10,000 plants from 550 varieties. Most varieties are new since the purpose of this garden is to test new hybrids to decide which are best for commercial release. Post provided by BB.
Plumeria saplings available. Colors unknown. Expect first flowers this year. Free to club members and $5 for non-members. Call 858 549 3543. Post provided by CF.
Geranium madarense. Young plants available. Free. Call 858 549 3543. Post provided by CF.