Hot Pink

Currently in bloom on Aviary Drive just south of the swim and racket club.  This is Tabebuia heterophylla also known as pink manjack or pink tulip tree.

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In Fall 2019 we made kokadama at the monthly club meeting. I chose to use Easter cactus, Schlumbergera gaertneri, since it is an epiphyte and could do well with organic mix and in a hanging posture.  Kokadama do dry out quickly in SoCal and it can be hard to remember to water regularly.  But… 6 months later, Easter arrived and so did the flowers. Posted by BB.

Plants that sustained the British EmpirePlants that sustained the British Empire

There are many plants that fit this description, e.g. tea, anyone? or cinchona the source of the anti-malarial medicine quinine, but here is one I did not know.  Gutta percha.  By the late 1800’s the British Empire was the largest to have existed, spanning the globe from England to India, Malaya, Australia and Canada.  Communication by boat took weeks or months.  The invention of the telegraph and the unique properties of Gutta percha enabled the empire to remain manageable well into the 1900’s.

Enjoy this short video from the BBC

Gutta Percha: The tree that shrunk the world – BBC Reel