
In Fall 2019 we made kokadama at the monthly club meeting. I chose to use Easter cactus, Schlumbergera gaertneri, since it is an epiphyte and could do well with organic mix and in a hanging posture.  Kokadama do dry out quickly in SoCal and it can be hard to remember to water regularly.  But… 6 months later, Easter arrived and so did the flowers. Posted by BB.

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An Australian genus of 300+ species well suited to dry conditions and poor soils like here in San Diego.  Local nurseries are selling more and more varieties so try one out. They come in many sizes and flower colors to fit any space in your garden. In Australia they are a favorite of honeyeater birds so I presume that our hummingbirds will go crazy for these.  Photo credit; C. Bell (Geelong, Australia)