Monterey Pine

Pinus radiata is native to the California coast. In the mid-19th century seedlings were sent to New Zealand for evaluation. The example you see here is from one of those original test plantings in Wellington, New Zealand and is approaching 175 years old.  Pinus radiata is now the foundation of commercial forestry in NZ and in Chile because in these locations this species grows faster and larger than in California with trees ready for harvesting in just 30 years.

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Hot PinkHot Pink

Currently in bloom on Aviary Drive just south of the swim and racket club.  This is Tabebuia heterophylla also known as pink manjack or pink tulip tree.

a mighty Staghorn ferna mighty Staghorn fern

This fine specimen (Platycerium sp.) belonging to a club member began as single frond in a small hanging basket. It has never been transplanted and thirty years later has a leaf span over 6 feet and a rhizome over 3 feet in diameter.  The small basket is still in there – somewhere.