Popcorn Cassia

Senna didymobotyra, or popcorn Cassia is a fun addition to any garden because the crushed flowers and buds have a strong scent of buttered popcorn.  It is a robust plant that enjoys sun and heat. Note the large bumble bee closing in for a pollen snack. It is also a favorite of caterpillars of the large yellow sulphur butterflies so watch for eaten leaves in late summer. B. Bennett garden

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Pinus radiata is native to the California coast. In the mid-19th century seedlings were sent to New Zealand for evaluation. The example you see here is from one of those original test plantings in Wellington, New Zealand and is approaching 175 years old.  Pinus radiata is now the foundation of commercial forestry in NZ and in Chile because in these locations this species grows faster and larger than in California with trees ready for harvesting in just 30 years.