Weed Lawn

With all the rain, even a weed covered lawn can be truly beautiful. Which raises the question…what is a weed? When is a weed not a weed?

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My Spring BarometerMy Spring Barometer

Daffodils (Narcissus sp.) are classics of spring but not so common outdoors in San Diego gardens because of our warmer climate.  Many years ago, I planted the bulb from a (supermarket) potted gift bouquet into my garden.  Each year if it flowers (like this year) I know it has been cooler and wetter than normal.  Most years only the leaves emerge without a flower.

Funeral Poppy?Funeral Poppy?

Shirley Poppies are most commonly mixtures of pink and red.  This year the most unusual color that appeared was a single plant with purple-gray flowers and wrinkled petals. Somber, but striking nonetheless.    The red string is a marker so seed can be collected in a few weeks.