This season’s new, elongated, light green leaves are so different from the older rounded blue green leaves found on the same branch. Possibly Eucalyptus polyanthemos.
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In Fall 2019 we made kokadama at the monthly club meeting. I chose to use Easter cactus, Schlumbergera gaertneri, since it is an epiphyte and could do well with organic mix and in a hanging posture. Kokadama do dry out quickly in SoCal and it can be hard to remember to water regularly. But… 6 months later, Easter arrived and so did the flowers. Posted by BB.

Chaparral Monkey FlowerChaparral Monkey Flower
I bet there are many so called “monkey flowers” around the world and despite the absence of monkeys in southern California this is our bush monkey flower, Diplacus aurantiacus. It is perhaps our most common and distinctive flowering plant in the coastal chaparral. Photo courtesy of S. Castellana.
Recreating a 4000-Year Old GardenRecreating a 4000-Year Old Garden
Read and see what an ancient Egyptian garden is thought to have looked like.
Ancient Egyptian Garden – Hamilton Gardens
here is a news story
Recreation of ancient Egyptian garden opens in Hamilton (